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Community Expectations (PAWS)

Showing our Wildcat P.A.W.S.

Westwood is a community of engaged students, staff and families. We are responsible for one another, the students, and the families of our community. This sense of community guides us in our work. As a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) School, we have four guiding agreements for our community. In keeping with our mascot, the wildcat, we practice the Westwood P.A.W.S.: Be Peaceful, Be Aware, Be Wise, and always Be Safe.

We Are Peaceful

  • We peacefully respect and support every individual, both publicly and privately, by working with students, parents, and staff to help one another be successful members of our community.
  • We build peaceful communities by teaching our students how to behave, catching our students doing the right thing, and holding them accountable when they do not make a good choice.
  • We communicate openly, respectfully, and timely with parents and each other.
  • We listen while others speak and use “I” messages to share our feelings and how it affects us. We think about possible solutions to solve and work out problems.
  • We treat others with respect and remind ourselves to be peaceful problem solvers.

We Are Aware

  • We provide children with a safe, secure and nurturing environment through a strong, consistent discipline plan, school-wide agreements, and caring adults who are aware of their responsibility for all students.
  • We are a family at Westwood and we share responsibility for all students while supporting one another.
  • We work collaboratively to improve student achievement, learn new procedures, methodologies, techniques, and tackle school-wide issues.

We Are Wise

  • We are a community that believes in what we can do for kids. We base our decisions on common sense and what is best for kids, and we work together to help our students succeed.

We Are Safe

  • We hold the students’ safety as our most important priority. 

  • We create a learning environment that fosters and supports the students’ emotional, physical and mental well-being. 

  • We share the responsibility for the safety of all students.