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happy family

Dear Westwood Families,

As parents, it is very important that we be involved in our children's education. Over 30 years of research has proven that children do better when their parents are involved both at home and at school not just improving grades and test scores but also raising children's self-esteem and encouraging a lifelong love of learning. The Westwood PTA helps promote the partnership between students, parents, teachers and our community. We serve as an advocate on behalf of our children here at school as well as in the public education and government arenas. The PTA also provides parents a place where they can get information, ask questions, and be involved in the decisions that affect their children's experience here at Westwood Elementary, I encourage you to become an active participant in our school and community by becoming a member of the Westwood PTA!

Fundraising thermometer

The PTA's budget is based primarily on school-wide fundraisers and tax-deductible donations. You can support our efforts by participating in fundraisers, purchasing spirit wear and volunteering at our main school-wide events, such as Fall Festival, Science Night, Book Fair or our Multicultural Festival.

We are ALWAYS in need of volunteers to help support our activities. Volunteer opportunities vary in their degree of time commitment and level of effort...there is always something available to fit your schedule! With your time, talent and monetary support we can accomplish much for our students, teachers and school this year!

PTA Executive Officers

Sammy Pursell
Westwood PTA President
(408) 423-4300

Amanda Fein-Tower
VP - Fundraising

Kelly McRobbie
VP - Membership

Alley Torres
VP - Programs

Linda Pascoal
Recording Secretary

Brooke Gaeta
Corresponding Secretary

Megan Fincher

Alejandra Rosado

Please join Westwood PTA!

For only $10, you can start making a difference today! We look forward to seeing you.